Enrich Sequence to Sequence Video to Text Captioning with Action Recognition
Vision and Language, Sep. 2020 - Dec. 2020, Link
- Proposed a novel model, S2VTACT, to capture action features from video skeleton graphs with spatial-temporal GCN
- Utilized a stack of 2 recurrent units(GRU) encoders and decoders to learn video captioning with injected action features
- Investigated video captioning and applications of natural language processing (NLP)
Identify Human-brand Co-location Network
Advised by Professor Natasha Zhang Foutz, May 2020 - Jan 2021
- Studied on identifying broad human and brand co-location networks to advise personalized recommendation
- Preprocessed large scale location GPS data and decorated POIs for check-in data in a distributed environment with PySpark
- Investigated the application of distributed computing and clustering algorithms
Secured QEMU License Plates Dection
Operating System, Sep. 2020 - Dec. 2020
- Designed Trusted clients(CA) and Trusted applications(TA) in QEMY hypervisor to pass encrypted images
- Detected license plates by neural network library, SOD, on TA to ensure the confidentiality of the input data
Students Management System
SQL Fundamental, Mar. 2018 - Jul. 2018
- Designed user log in, search and multiple students related interfaces by Java Swing
- Implemented students information entry, query, modification and delet, student graduation and exam record
- Deployed the system on WampServer